If there's one part of my life that I'm glad is over, it's the ravages of puberty. Once in a while I'll reflect on my teen years and remember the frizzy hair, the braces, the odd paunch of baby fat here and there, but most importantly, I remember the acne. While my skin wasn't nearly as bad as some of my friends, it was still bad enough for me to be embarrassed by it. I remember gazing in the mirror after washing my face in the morning, seeing what new hellish red abominations had popped up onto my face as I slept. My mom, ever vigilant on my skincare routine (I largely credit her with my obsession with it, as well as my good skin!) had me try everything, from products high end to end of the line, antibiotics, prescription creams, even the vile smelling Proactiv line. While some products worked temporarily, nothing was ever a permanent fix. Only when I was out of high school and a year or two older did my skin start to clear up.
Now that high school is a distant memory covered in scene kid hair extensions. old Hot Topic t-shirts, and more regrets than I care to count, my skin for the most part is clear and pristine. Every so often I'll get a few breakouts here and there, but nothing too terrible. But this past week, when I woke up bright and early for work, I took one look in the mirror and was shocked to find breakouts everywhere!
Don't Look at Me is one of two new fresh face masks available from Lush (in-store only!). Inspired by the (really really bizarre)
song of the same name by the band The Lovely Eggs (eggs are quite lovely, aren't they?), Don't Look At Me is an obscenely bright blue mask that smells remarkably like tomato salsa (a good thing, because who in their right mind doesn't like salsa!?). Described as "Cupcake mask for grown ups," Don't Look At Me has tons of lemon juice in it to brighten, cleanse, and soak up oil, kaolin to clean out what ails your skin, and ground rice for some awesome scrubby action.
I couldn't believe my skin's timing with the release of these once Oxford Street exclusives, so I snagged five black pots from my garbage bag full of empties (no I'm not joking) and snagged one after my shift. During a long luxurious bath, I cracked open the pot, scooped out the refreshingly blue goop, and slathered my skin with a good coat of it. Being in a hot bath, this cooled me right down and I sunk back with my book and let the mask do its task.
Apologies for the derp face |
Now, a little prior history about my skin. It's mainly combo-dry, but in the humid climate where I dwell during summer, it gets much more oily, especially on my forehead. My breakouts are usually hormonal and are centered around my nose and cheeks, but every so often I'll get a painful cystic bump on my chin (you know...for fun). When I'm talking about how I had a massive breakout, I'm talking all of the above seemed to have hit me overnight (again...for fun!). When the mask was about 75% dry, I splashed my face with water and massaged the ground rice into my skin before finally rinsing my skin clean and patting it dry. When I wiped the remaining bits of blue away, I actually remember stepping back from the mirror a bit and letting out a Fonz-esque " 'eyyyyyyyyy" when looking at my skin! While Don't Look at Me didn't make everything disappear, I could tell a HUGE difference when it came to my red, broken out skin! The tone and texture of my skin was more even and bright, and the red areas were a tad more dulled down. This made me extremely happy, as red breakouts on my pale skin stick out like crazy, and cause me quite a bit of embarrassment, even when makeup or color correcting can't cover it.
Pretty sure if you threw compounder Dan in a pit with my coworkers, they'd all be fighting over him. We have a thing for beards at my shop ;) |
Overall, Don't Look at Me after one use became my all time favorite fresh mask. I've used it twice more since that first time and each time I've been blown away with my skin after I wash it away. While I do love the bright blue color, the only downside to it I feel is that if you have any dried skin on your face, the pigment kind of gets absorbed by it so you have some dull blue looking flecks of skin. I feel as though it's good for any skin type, although you might want to be careful if you're sensitive, since the lemon oil might be a bit much. The ground rice made for a gentle but effective scrub and the fresh scent was an added bonus to the near miraculous power of this mask. After using this mask, I think you'll all be saying...DO...look at me! Am I RIGHT?!
...terrible jokes are awesome!
*** Don't Look At Me is certified
When can folks expect new products in USA?
ReplyDeleteThey'll be trickling in shops little by little. Can't comment too much about it unfortunately, but keep your eyes peeled!