It's hard to believe summer's already at an end. It seems like it was only five minutes ago my thighs were sticking to all the leather furniture and frantically trying to tame the steel wool-esque shrubbery that was my hair. Usually the hair taming and sticking to things a la Spiderman would've had me clamoring for cooler weather. But now that the time is here, where the leaves are starting to change, everything is coated in a fine layer of pumpkin spice, and nary an even can be found, I'm finding that my body is so not ready for the cool weather.
Sensing this disturbance, Mother Nature must've granted me a little more time, as the past few weeks have been nice and toasty. I would happily peel myself from whatever furniture I was stuck to, tie my shrub of hair into a ponytail as to not trap any small woodland creatures (or entice them to build nests) and skip off to work with a smile on my face while my coworkers baked in the heat and humidity. Even though my apartment doesn't have air conditioning, I still managed to keep cool with a fan, ice cold drinks, and a certain shower gel.
Dirty Springwash is part of the Dirty range at Lush (obviously) which was originally designed with men in mind. Obviously women and all of those in between can use it as well, hence why I decided to give it a shot! Since my dearly departed Freeze shower gel, I've been looking for a tingly and refreshing replacement to get me through the hot and sticky weather, and I had high hopes that Dirty Springwash would do that. Even the name sounds refreshing!
Dirty Springwash contains a hefty dose of spearmint, mentholated crystals, a touch of fine sea salt, and believe it or not, thyme. Dirty's signature scent has always been spearmint and thyme, giving an odd savory twist to the refreshing kick of spearmint. Lush fragrances have been anything but ordinary, and Dirty is no exception. So when I squirted that first blue blob onto my shower poof, I was expecting a minty, tingly kick when I actually got a hefty dose of spice filling the air. All I could pick up was the thyme, with a few base notes of spearmint and nary a bit of minty tingle on my skin! Mind you the scent wasn't offensive or something I deemed bad, but it was a lot different than what I thought it was going to be. Honestly it reminded me a lot of tabbouleh, which is great to eat, but not so great to shower with. Once I lathered a bit on my skin, I found the spearmint notes became stronger, but not as strong as I would like. Nonetheless, by the end of my shower, I felt clean and refreshed and ready to take on that midwestern humidity.
Overall, Dirty Springwash was an interesting one to use. The savory notes were something I found quite strong, but if working at Lush has taught me anything, it's that a person's scent is almost as unique as their fingerprint. While I mainly smelled thyme in Dirty Springwash, someone else could come along and smell nothing but spearmint. It's funny how scent works that way. I ended up using the entire bottle, and while I liked the clean and fresh feeling it gave me, I don't think the scent worked for me. And that's okay! Because what doesn't work for myself works well for someone else, and I will give Dirty credit for being a totally unique scent...something I never would've seen someone put together. And who could be that bottle you reach for when you need some cooling down on those hot, sticky nights!
***Dirty Springwash is certified Vegan